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Sunday March 9th 2025

UN supports Afghanistan!


UN supports Afghanistan! 

War torn country like Afghanistan must be grateful to UN for its 6milluon generous help in bettering the environmental climate.
This initiate is first of its kind in the largely agriculture-based country. according to Global adaption Institute’sranking 2011, Afghanistan is placed among tops which are most vulnerable to climatic change.
* improve water management
*improved terracing
Improving Agrosilvo pastoral system
Tree plantation
Gathering wild seeds
Money will be channelized through Global Environment Facility.
UN food and agricultural organization
Local afghan organizations
UN food and agricultural organization
UN world Food Program
UN mission in Afghanistan
 Land owners

AIDS shock for Mumbai!

An HIV scare looms large over Mumbai, the most populous city of India, as regular supply of medicines, condoms and syringes has nearly dried up. The reason for this agony goes to lack of availablity of funding. Central government has not given funding  since April.

Mumbai is host to around 4, 00, 000 HIV patients. The present situation directly affect HIV community in the city. Although HIV prevalance in the general population is on decline, the graph has only been rising for the high-risk groups. High risk groups includes: female sex workers, transgenders, MSM, intravenous drug users, truckers and migrants.

HIV prevalance among female sex workers is as high as 27%, 18%in IDUs, 12%in MSMs and 30% in the transgender population.




Sahel region in Mali!

Draught, disease and conflict has compounded Mali’s health problems. One evident example is region of Sahel. It is to be seen how Western African country deal with the situation.

The new strategy is evident in the latest crisis in the arid Sahel region of West Africa. The crisis, affecting nine countries, will require life-saving therapeutic food for 1.1 million severely malnourished children this year, according to new forecasts.

By doing little research, it was surprising to note that United Nations and other agencies are taking the help from local food suppliers to deal with the situation.

Local production could be crucial in the Sahel because the hunger crises have become increasingly chronic. The region has been hit by three droughts in the past decade. Climate change is believed to be one reason for the frequent droughts.


Nutrition project in Lao PDR

European Union has recently funded project in the Sekong, rural province of the Lao PDR, southeast country. Being part of the project, doctors and nurses have gathered to address the cause of malnutrition. According to one doctor practicing in the rural area, there are almost 30 patients visiting the clinic every day, half of them under 5 and suffers from pneumonia and bronchitis. As transport being the main reason, people residing in this specific area, do not have proper access to food. As a result, malnutrition among children is very rampant, which precipitate pneumonia. With the help from EU and UNICEF, Lao health ministry has started offering eezeepast nut to children, and it is expected that these nuts would reduce malnutrition significantly. romoting positive nutrition practices, increasing the intake of vitamins and minerals, improving food security, reducing poverty, and improving water and sanitation are also key components in reducing undernutrition, particularly stunting and anemia in young children.

Lao PDR shares the border with Thailand and Myanmar.

Global food insecurity!

Intake disparities exist between urban and rural population. The concept of food insecurity differs from the hunger, malnutrition or undernutrition.  Economically uncertain time gives birth to the feeling of insecurity for food. There is need of tools to measure food insecurity globally, which would help policy makers to design program targeted at disparities in food access. Qualitaitve question like- ” In the last six months, did you have to consume jet few food, because you ran out of moey?” would help in formulating tool.



Salute to Dr.Wafa

There are few people born with commitment, dedication and resolve to change the world in  better form; Dr.Wafa is one of them. I am glad to witness her talk. Great people inspires and fulfill your heart with passion and compassion!!!

Cholera in Haiti

I read yesterday article in New York Times. It’s really painful how Haiti is struggling in fighting Cholera. While developed world has long back  passed infectious era, countries like Haiti, Dominican Republic and Bangladesh are still experiencing menace of cholera-diseases caused  by unsafe drinking water. It vividly explains the gruesome picture of global disparity. 


Cholera in Dominican Republic and Haiti

Cholera, a disease cause by vibrio cholera, cause diarrhea, which in turn result in severe dehydration and causes death if untreated. Developed countries are already out of infectious era, but countries like DR and Haiti are  still facing infectious diseases. Specially, cholera has been one of the most important causes of recent deaths in Hsiti, which was even more precipitated by the earthquake.
Kevin de cock, Director of the United States Centers for Disease and Prevention’s (CDC) center for Global Health, said the number of cholera would increase With the onset of rainy seasons.
Cholera is highly preventable disease. Combination of basic infrastructure, health awareness and government policies could bring desirable results. Water and sanitation is  essential for any sustainable and economic growth.
In haiti and DR,there is need of proper policies in place . Government should how strong conviction to fight Cholera. 

Condom crisis in Uganda!

Uganda faces shortage of condoms:

Growing number of young population and increased consumption of condom led to the shortage of condom in Uganda. Program  manager of AIDS control program reportedly said , “Recently, we received about 10 million condoms from the UN Population Fund and the US Agency for International Development (USAID) but still that is not enough,”. Most Ugandan believe in the fact that proper use of condom can prevent them from contracting HIV during sexual activities. 
I am amazed how acute problem of HIV is in Africa. Shortage of condoms, shortage of ARTs, shortage of physicians and in addition, shortage of foresighted leaders reflects the magnitude of HIV menace. 

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