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Friday June 28th 2024

Nutrition project in Lao PDR

European Union has recently funded project in the Sekong, rural province of the Lao PDR, southeast country. Being part of the project, doctors and nurses have gathered to address the cause of malnutrition. According to one doctor practicing in the rural area, there are almost 30 patients visiting the clinic every day, half of them under 5 and suffers from pneumonia and bronchitis. As transport being the main reason, people residing in this specific area, do not have proper access to food. As a result, malnutrition among children is very rampant, which precipitate pneumonia. With the help from EU and UNICEF, Lao health ministry has started offering eezeepast nut to children, and it is expected that these nuts would reduce malnutrition significantly. romoting positive nutrition practices, increasing the intake of vitamins and minerals, improving food security, reducing poverty, and improving water and sanitation are also key components in reducing undernutrition, particularly stunting and anemia in young children.

Lao PDR shares the border with Thailand and Myanmar.

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