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Wednesday June 26th 2024

Cholera in Dominican Republic and Haiti

Cholera, a disease cause by vibrio cholera, cause diarrhea, which in turn result in severe dehydration and causes death if untreated. Developed countries are already out of infectious era, but countries like DR and Haiti are  still facing infectious diseases. Specially, cholera has been one of the most important causes of recent deaths in Hsiti, which was even more precipitated by the earthquake.
Kevin de cock, Director of the United States Centers for Disease and Prevention’s (CDC) center for Global Health, said the number of cholera would increase With the onset of rainy seasons.
Cholera is highly preventable disease. Combination of basic infrastructure, health awareness and government policies could bring desirable results. Water and sanitation is  essential for any sustainable and economic growth.
In haiti and DR,there is need of proper policies in place . Government should how strong conviction to fight Cholera. 

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