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Archive for February, 2012

Cholera in Dominican Republic and Haiti

Cholera, a disease cause by vibrio cholera, cause diarrhea, which in turn result in severe dehydration and causes death if untreated. Developed countries are already out of infectious era, but countries like DR and Haiti are  still facing infectious diseases. Specially, [Read More]

Condom crisis in Uganda!

Uganda faces shortage of condoms: Growing number of young population and increased consumption of condom led to the shortage of condom in Uganda. Program  manager of AIDS control program reportedly said , “Recently, we received about 10 million condoms from the UN [Read More]

Mali, conflict and health implications…

Apparently peaceful looking Mali took me aback . I was just browsing Mali news and the conflict undergoing in northern Mali  grabbed my attention and saddened me. Politics is at it’s place, ok, that’s not our cup of tea, but the thing which makes me most [Read More]

Ghana- mental health illness still a stigma!

Stigma is a major impediment to the mental health care in Ghana.When a patient suffering from mental illness is rejected by families, government should embrace patients with open heart, not by words alone but with Ghana, for the population of 24 million, there are [Read More]

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Nepal earthquake and emergency preparedness!

On unfateful morning yesterday, Himalayan kingdom of Nepal, sharing border with China and India , suffered earthquake [Read More]

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